Don’t take my word for it. Here’s what my clients have to say 

High-performance coaching that unlocks your full potential 

Thabani Mtsi is a Civil Engineer and a Senior Management Consultant at Convergenc3. Together, we worked on strengthening his decision-making abilities, silencing his inner critic, and practising consistency throughout every aspect of his life.

Andro Griessel is a Director and CEO at Woodland Wealth. During our time together, we focused on showing up and how prioritizing a healthy work-life balance.

Gareth Hadden is a CEO at Kilowatt, and we worked together on his physical, mental, and emotional well-being to help him achieve peak performance.

Jan De Beer is a teacher at Paarl Boys High and the Owner of Obstacle WORX CT. In our time together, we worked on the mental and spiritual aspects of being a high performer.